Ingredients Glossary; Is it vegan friendly?

Most people often wonder about an ingredient listed in what seems to be a vegetarian or vegan item. Fancy health symbols, happy animals, flowers & leaves often smother a product convincing you its good for you. Words like natural, pure and real often appear on many of these items. Most processed foods have a list of ingredients which are not only hard to read, but almost impossible to pronounce. These elaborate worlds often act as disguise for animal byproducts. People put their faith in these huge corporations and convince themselves that all these fancy words are essential and could be vitamins or minerals. Here is a list of ingredients I've researched and please contact me if you see I've missed one or cannot find accurate information. Unfortunately webpages like Wikipedia have been bought out by the government and big corporations and now do not list the origins of these chemicals and ingredients, making it hard to find the truth and accurate information.

Click here for a list of ingredients that any vegan should yield caution too.

*Under Construction, Updated daily. This will be removed once my a-z sources have all been published here.

Sources:, & The garden of vegan cookbook

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