What is propaganda? Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing your attitude toward a cause or identifiable position. Last weeks episode of CSI has a shocking example of propaganda placement. The recent episode injects the uneducated point of view that 'conspiracy theorists' are anti-american, domestic terrorists into the brainwashed sponge mind of the average. Do not forget; the government who owns the mass media and it dosen't take an idiot to understand that they do not have the human race and earth well being high on their priority list.
The following is a partial transcript of dialogue from the show:
CSI detective: “I have a little intel on Professor Scott; he has a history of espousing various conspiracy theories; sharing them with his students got him into a little trouble.”
Professor’s friend: “Every university has a least one unconventional professor.”
Second CSI detective: “Oh come on Payton, this guys ideas here are totally anti-American. Look at this; water fluoridation, tsunami bombs, chemtrails…
First CSI detective: “What are chemtrails?”
Third CSI detective: “Some people believe that vapor exhaust from aircraft are actually dangerous bio-chemicals dispersed into the air.”
Friend of the professor: “Which only proves that the professor is a little odd.”
This episode happens to coincide with a State Department guide that dismisses a range of “conspiracy theories”, including the use of depleted uranium by U.S. forces in Iraq as existing only “in the realm of myth”.
All in all this is another example of how television is being used to create the attitudes and actions of the influenced. Wikipedia is largely propaganda itself; also now owned by the elite government. Do not resource Wikipedia for any accurate information as its content is no longer owned and edited by the public.
This post has been paraphrase by the source http://www.Infowars.com . Visit this link to explore this topic more indepth.
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